we are here to help you out of this trouble. Reading this article will be beneficial for you in generating the ASA referencing. So, if you are searching for the proper guidance, then you must have a look at the upcoming part of this paper. Hope, this will help you in generating the ASA reference. Reference generating is considered one of the most important parts of developing an academic paper. Sometimes, you may feel challenges while generating the references due to the lack of knowledge. Well, as we are talking about ASA citations in this article, so we must tell you one thing, there are many people who might face challenges while generating the ASA citation. So,

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Know What is the ASA Citation

Some so many writers and researchers prefer to utilise ASA/ American Sociological Association citations or references for completing their academic papers. The ASA citation is mainly utilised by the students who are pursuing their higher studies in Sociology. If you are utilising the ASA citation for completing your academic paper, then you must have to maintain the parenthetical referencing approach. This approach of referencing supports maintaining the factors that are related to the author-date documentation system. The utilisation of the footnotes in this reference approach also helps to enhance the quality of the research paper. If you don't have proper knowledge in generating the ASA citation, then you must follow the guidance provided below in this article. You must maintain two different factors that are related to the ASA citation such as the factors related to In-text citation and References. The In-text citation will help you to catch the attention of the reader to certain quotes.

Things that you must remember

You must remember the following factors.

  • Remember to include the name of the author.
  • Add the date of publication and source
  • Add the page numbers
  • List down the name of the author and year parenthetically
  • Maintain the link of the citation with the reference list
  • Maintain the alphabetic manner while generating the reference list. This will help you to maintain the formatted citation approach.
  • Add the original source of the reference

Sometimes, you may find some similarities between the APA referencing approach and Chicago referencing approach while doing the ASA referencing citation. Remembering the differences between these two different referencing approaches will help you to properly generate the ASA referencing citation. You will get to know more about the differences while reading the upcoming section of this paper.

Other Referencing Citation
Take a look at what we got in hand for you
  • Apa Reference Style Citation
  • Chicago Style Citation
  • Ama citation
  • Ieee citation
  • Mla citation
  • Harvard referencing citation
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    Guideline for ASA citation

    Reading the following section of this article will help you to get a proper guidance on the factors that are associated with the ASA citation.

    Book :

    The following section of this article will help you to know the proper approach to generating the ASA references for books.

    a. Example of references

    Ritzer, G., and Stepnisky, J. 2021. Modern sociological theory. Sage publications.

    b. Explanation of the reference:

    At first, you will require to add the name of the author while maintaining the following sequence. At first, add the Last name of the author, then the First name. Now, add the year of publication. Then you will require to add the title, the city, state abb./ country of the publisher.

    c. Example of the citation

    You can text the ASA reference while using the following approach (Ritzer and Stepnisky, 2021)

    Video :

    If you are using video references then you have to follow the consequent factors for the purpose of generating the references.

    a. Example of references

    YouTube. (2016, July 28). Sociological theory and levels of analysis. YouTube. Retrieved February 21, 2023, from

    b. Explanation of the reference

    At first, you will require to add the title of the website, then within a bracket add the year, month and date of publishing. Then write down the title of the video and then add the retrieving month, date and year of the video. Thereafter, you must add the link to the online video.

    c. Example of the citation

    You must have to maintain the following approach for the purpose of in-texting, examples (YouTube. 2016, July 28)

    Journal :

    Journal is considered one of the most usable reference resources. So, you must know the way of generating ASA journal referencing.

    a. Example of references

    Sandberg, M., Klockars, K. and Wilén, K., 2019. "Green growth or degrowth? Assessing the normative justifications for environmental sustainability and economic growth through critical social theory" Journal of Cleaner Production, 206, pp.133-141. doi:

    b. Explanation of the reference

    At first, you have to mention the last name of the author, then add the last name of the author. Then, add the year of publication. Now, within an inverted comma, you have to add the "Title" of the journal, then add the name of the JournaL Within a first bracket you will also require to add the issue number of the journal. Another thing that you must need to remember is that you will also require to add the page numbers of the journal if it is available. Then, you also need to mention the retrieving Month Day and Year of the journal and you must add the URL of the online Journal.

    c. Example of the citation

    The following example will help you to properly in-text the journal reference in an academic paper, example (Sandberg et al. 2019)

    Newspaper :

    Newspaper articles are also considered another reliable resource. If you are using the newspaper reference then you must have to maintain the following approach.

    a. Example of references:

    Bourdieu, P., 2005. "SAT Essay Scores are in, but will they be used?" The New York Times, May 15, p. A22

    b. Explanation of the reference

    First, you will require to add the last name of the author and then add the first name of the author. Now, you will require to add the year of publication. Then, you must have to mention the "Title" of the news with an inverted comma. After that, you must add the name of the newspaper, then add the Month Day and Year of the publication, and then must add the p. or pp. inclusive page numbers of the newspaper.

    c. Example of the citation

    Follow the example for in-texting newspaper references in your academic paper, example (Bourdieu, 2005)

    Electronic Book :

    If you are taking the assistance of the electronic book, then you must follow the consequent approach> d. Example of references

    Ritzer, G., and Stepnisky, J. 2021. Modern sociological theory. Sage publications. Retrieved October 21, 2004 (

    e. Explanation of the reference

    At first, you will need to add the author's last name, then write down the first name of the author. Then, you must have to add the year of publication. Then, you will require to add the title. The City, State Abb./Country of the Publisher. Then, you must mention the retrieved month, day, year and the URL of the electronic book.

    f. Example of the citation

    The following example will help you properly in the text of the electronic book, example (Ritzer and Stepnisky, 2021).

    Concluding note

    We hope reading this article has helped you in gathering knowledge on generating the ASA reference citation. You will get more in-depth assistance while contacting our customer care team members. Our experts will help you to get more effective assistance.