Reference generating is considered one of the most important parts of the academic paper. Chicago citation style is considered one of the most common types of referencing that are utilised by students who are pursuing higher studies. But, sometimes students get confused about maintaining the proper way of generating the Chicago citation. If you are one of them, then you must have to read this article completely. Reading this article will help you to get proper knowledge on the factors that are associated with the Chicago style referencing and citation.

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Know the Factors Related to Chicago Citation

The Chicago referencing style is mainly utilised by the student of higher studies for acknowledging works that have been written by other writers. It also lends credibility to the statement of the other researchers or writers. Well, you must know one thing there are two different documenting systems that are utilised while doing the Chicago citation and referencing approaches like Notes-Bibliography System or NB and Author-Date System. You can use any of your required referencing and citation approaches as per your requirements. If you want to know more details about the variants of the Chicago referencing then you must have to read the following section of this paper.

Notes-Bibliography Chicago citation

The notes and bibliography approach are mostly utilised if you are pursuing your studies with subject areas like arts, history and literature subjects. It will support you to maintain a flexible approach to referencing and it will also support you to accommodate different unusual sources of referencing. You will be required to superscript the numbers at the end of the sentences and add the numbered footnote at the end of the page.

Examples of Notes-Bibliography Chicago citation


If you are using the book references for your Notes-Bibliography then going through the following section will help you to know more details about it.

Example of the Chicago referencing

Ab Yajid, Mohd Shukri, Shakeerah Mohd Shukri, and Ali Khatibi. "Expansion strategies for achieving competitiveness among airline companies in Malaysian territory." Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11, no. 1 (2020): 761-769..

Short note:

Ab Yajid, Mohd Shukri, Shakeerah Mohd Shukri, and Ali Khatibi, 2020.

Explanation of the Chicago referencing

At first, you have to write down the first name of the author and then add the last name. You will require the "Title of Article". Then, you have to mention the name of the Journal volume, then add the issue number of the journal, then write down the month and year of the journal. Don't forget to mention the page number(s) of the journal. If there is any DOI available, then you will also require to add the DOI link as well. This is considered the full note of the referencing approach.

If you are utilising the short note approach then you just have to mention the first name of the author and then add the name of the journal and add the page number of it. .

Image online or video

The following section will help you to make the Notes-Bibliography referencing approaches. .

Example of the Chicago referencing

EMP. “Leadership Styles Explained (Kurt Lewin)” July 23, 2018. Video, 1:24

Short note: EMP, “Leadership Styles Explained (Kurt Lewin)”

c Add the Channel name, "Video Title," month date, year, video, length, and URL of the reference while maintaining the previously mentioned sequence. .


If you are going to use books for referencing then you have to maintain the following approaches.

Example of the Chicago referencing Iansiti, Marco, and Karim R. Lakhani. Competing in the age of AI: Strategy and leadership when algorithms and networks run the world. Harvard Business Press, 2020.

Short note:Iansiti et al. 2020

Explanation of the Chicago referencing

Maintain the following sequences for the Chicago referencing the author's first name, last name, Title of Book (Place of publication: publisher, year), and page number(s).


Follow the sequent part for the notes bibliography.

Example of the Chicago referencing

Marshall, Alex. 2018. “Graphic Novel in Running for Man Booker Prize for First Time.” New York Times, July 23, 2018.

Short note:Marshall, “Graphic Novel in Running for Man Booker Prize.”

Explanation of the Chicago referencing

You must have to maintain the following sequence: the first name and last name of the author, "Title of the Article," Name of Publication, month date, year, page number or URL.


Use the following approach for the note bibliography reference.

Example of the Chicago referencing 2022. 8 Types of Leadership Styles and How to Choose Yours. Accessed July 24, 2022.

Explanation of the Chicago referencing

Use the following sequence and add the title of the Page," Website, accessed month date, year,URL.

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    The author date Chicago citation

    If you are using the author date referencing style then you will require to add the reference list at the end of all the pages. Well, you will get to know further details of it while reading the following section of this article.

    Examples of author date Chicago citation

    You will get a number of examples of the Chicago referencing and citation style in the following section of this paper. So, we will suggest you go through the following section of this article to know more details about it.


    If you are using the book references then going through the following section will help you to know more details about it.

    Example of the Chicago referencing

    Ab Yajid, Mohd Shukri, Shakeerah Mohd Shukri, and Ali Khatibi. "Expansion strategies for achieving competitiveness among airline companies in Malaysian territory." Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11, no. 1 (2020): 761-769.

    Explanation of the Chicago referencing

    At first, you will require to add the author's last name, then add the first name of the author. After that, you will be required to add the "Title of Article" within an inverted comma. Thereafter, you have to add the name of the Journal, and the volume of the journal, then add the issue number of the journal. Then, you have to write down the month or season year and also write down the page range of the article. You must add the DOI of it if it is applicable.

    Example of the Chicago citation

    At the time of in-text citation of the Chicago referencing you must have to add the last name of the author, then add the year and page number(s) of the journal. Example: (Ab Yajid 2020, 761-769).

    Image online or video

    If you are taking references from any online video or images then you will require to maintain the following approach.

    Example of the Chicago referencing

    EMP. “Leadership Styles Explained (Kurt Lewin)” July 23, 2018. Video, 1:24

    Explanation of the Chicago referencing

    f you are taking references from a youtube channel, then you have to maintain the following format. First, add the name of the channel, then add the "Video Title" within an inverted comma. In the next step, you have to add the month date, year, video, length, and URL of the video.

    Example of the Chicago citation

    Add the channel name and year at the time of the in-text citation. Example: (EMP 2018).


    You must have to maintain the following approach if you are generating references via books.

    Example of the Chicago referencing

    Iansiti, Marco, and Karim R. Lakhani. Competing in the age of AI: Strategy and leadership when algorithms and networks run the world. Harvard Business Press, 2020.

    Explanation of the Chicago referencing

    You will require to add the last name of the author and then add the first name of the author. Thereafter, you have to add the year of publication. Then, you have to add the title of the Book and also add the place of publication: publisher.

    Example of the Chicago citation

    Follow the consequent approach for the purpose of doing the Chicago in-text citation. Write down the last name of the author, then add the year of publication and then add the page number(s).


    If you are taking newspaper references, then you have to maintain the following approach for the purpose of the citation.

    Example of the Chicago referencing

    Marshall, Alex. 2018. “Graphic Novel in Running for Man Booker Prize for First Time.” New York Times, July 23, 2018.

    Explanation of the Chicago referencing

    First, you have to add the author's last name, then write down the first name of the author. Also, add the year of publication. Then, you have to add the "Title of Article" within an inverted comma. Now, write down the name of the publication, and add the month date, and year. At last, you also need to add the URL of the online newspaper site if it is applicable.

    Example of the Chicago citation

    Use the following format at the time of Chicago citation, write down the last name of the author and the year of publication, also add the page number of the newspaper if it is applicable. Example: (Marshall 2018).


    If you have used any website for the purpose of referencing, then you must maintain the following things.

    Example of the Chicago referencing 2022. 8 Types of Leadership Styles and How to Choose Yours. Accessed July 24, 2022.

    Explanation of the Chicago referencing

    -You have to add the last name of the author, then add the first name of the author. Then, add the year of publication. Then, add the "Title of Article" within an inverted comma. After that, you have to add the name of the publication, and then also add the month, date and year. Now, you have to add the URL of the publication.

    Example of the Chicago citation

    You have to maintain the following approach at the time of Chicago citation (Emeritus 2022)

    Concluding note

    We hope this article has helped you enough to provide proper guidance onChicago referencing approach. If you need more assistance with doing Chicago reference citations, then you must contact our team members.