Referencing is considered one of the parts of developing an academic paper. AMA reference or citation is a classification of the academic referencing style. If you want to know more details about the approach to generating AMA references or citations, then you must have to read the section provided next to you.

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Know What is AMA Referencing

AMA reference style is also recognised by the American Medical Association. This reference style supports the researchers to provide support for showing the contribution of the other author or researchers while progressing with the research paper. The proper references also help to support a theory. Well, the main concern of writing this article is to let you know about the factors related to the characteristics of the AMA references. The AMA reference style was invented by the American Medical Association for utilising it in their publication. Later, there are many universities and publications that also preferred to use the AMA citation. If you want to know more details about the factors that are related to the AMA referencing style, then you must have to read the following section of this paper.

AMA referencing style is classified into two different parts such as reference and citation. You will find the citation in the text part of the paper. You will get the reference list at the end of the research paper. You must utilise the numeric order while inserting the reference list in the research paper. It supports defining the appearing order of the reference list at the ending page of the research paper.

Get Complete Guidance on AMA Citations on Different Writing Approaches

The following guidelines will help you to utilise AMA citation in different types of writing approaches. So, let's have a look at the following section of this paper to know more details on the AMA citation.

Journal :

If you are writing any type of journal, then you must have to follow the undermentioned guidance for utilising the AMA citation.
You must have to maintain the following guidelines for generating the AMA references.

a. Example of AMA reference

Spates K, Evans NTM, Watts BC, Abubakar N, James T. Keeping ourselves sane: A qualitative exploration of Black Women's coping strategies for gendered racism. Sex Roles. 2019;82(9-10):513-524. doi:10.1007/s11199-019-01077-1

b. Explanation of the reference example

At first you will need to add the surname of the author, then insert the initials of the authors. Now, you must have to add the title of the journal and also add the volume of the journal. At last you must have to insert the DOI of the journal.

c. AMA citation

After generating the AMA reference you must have to utilise the following template to use AMA citation. You must have to write the initials of the author's surname. Title. Year of publication. Use this format at the time of generating the AMA citation. The following example will help you to easily do the AMA citation, example: 1. Spates et al., 2019

Book :

If you are taking references for any book, then you must follow the guidance provided below in this article.

a. Example of AMA reference:

The following template will help you to generate the proper AMA reference, so let's have a look at the following template. Dodanwala, T.C., Shrestha, P. and Santoso, D.S. Role conflict related job stress among construction professionals: The moderating role of age and organisation tenure. Construction Economics and Building; 2021: Preface 21-37.

b. Explanation of the reference example:

Use the surname of the author and the initial of the author. Insert the Title. City: the name of the Publisher; Year of the Published book: number of pages Used in the book.

c. AMA citation:

You will require to use the numerical order while generating the reference list through the support of the AMA citation. So, when you are doing in text citations for the AMA reference you must have to insert the numeric numbers at the required location.

Image online or video :

If you have taken any online image or video as the reference, then you must follow the given method for the purpose of generating the AMA reference.

a. Example of AMA reference:

The following example will help you to generate the proper AMA reference. YouTube; 2022. Accessed February 20, 2023.

b. Explanation of the reference example:

First you have to insert the name or title of the video, then add the year of the online video. Then, add the title of the video and at last you have to insert the date, month and year of accessing the reference.

c. AMA citation:

Following is the example of the AMA in text citation. Example: (YouTube, 2022)


If you are using any newspaper for references, then the following method will help you to generate your reference list. We will suggest that you take the assistance of the following section.

Example of AMA reference:

Wang F. China covid: Celebrity deaths spark fears over the death toll. BBC News. Published January 5, 2023. Accessed February 20, 2023.

Explanation of the reference example:

Insert the surname of the authort then add the initial of the author’s name, thereafter you have to add the title of the News and at last insert the link of the online publication.

AMA citation:

You will require to use the following method at the time of doing the AMA citation. Example: (Wang, 2023).


Website referencing is considered one of the most important sources of academic reference. The following section will help you to know the process of generating the list of references for the website.

Example of AMA reference: The following is an example of the AMA reference for the website: Simplilearn. 10 major leadership theories every manager should master in 2023. Published February 16, 2023. Accessed February 20, 2023. Explanation of the reference example: Write down the name of the website, then add the link of the website. Thereafter, you have to writer down the publishing month, date and year of the website. Now, write down the Month, date and year of accessing. AMA citation: The following is an example of the AMA citation. Example: (Simplilearn, 2023)
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    Facts that You Must Need to Know about Generating AMA Citation

    Whenever you are going to generate AMA citations then you must remember the following factors.

    • The most important thing is you will require to include the numbers while using the superscript approach.
    • You must have to maintain a chronological order for using the numbers from the beginning of the paper. The chronological numbers will also help you to develop a complete reference list.
    • It will also help you to develop a systematic representation of the reference list.
    • If you are doing AMA book citation or AMA website citation, then you will require a different approach to developing the reference list.
    Concluding note

    We hope, this article has helped you enough in gathering knowledge for generating AMA references and citations in the academic paper.