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The Influence of Leadership Practices Under the Healthcare Setting for the Improvement

Element 1: Presentation  

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  • Search strategy 
  • Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) 
  • Credible sources for better contemporary evidence
  • Effective strategies for improving leadership practice
  • Necessity of contemporary evidence sources in healthcare 

SN: This study will analyse the influence of leadership practices under the healthcare setting for the improvement of the overall process. Besides this, the importance of evidence-based practices in the healthcare setting will be detached in this work with an adequate rate of academic support. The credible sources that are necessary for better contemporary evidence will be identified in this work. Potential strategies for the improvement of leadership practices will be identified in this study.  

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Importance of contemporary evidence sources in healthcare

  • Tendency of higher success in treatment 
  • Shortened the duration of hospital stay 
  • Lower rate of patient complication 

SN: The presence of evidenced-based sources assists the healthcare industry in several ways that profit the internal hierarchy and the patients in different ways. Healthcare providers are always striving for appropriate and effective intervention planning for the completion of treatment within a shorter period. In addition, the tendency of success rate in treatment also increased with the utilisation of evidence-based practices in health care settings (Tzenios, 2022). Besides this, the following actions include better monitoring and recovery strategies that reduce unnecessary extension of hospital stay.  

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  • Rise of professional development 
  • Adherence towards innovation and research 
  • Enhance the existing rate of confidence in patient care planning 

SN: Contemporary evidence sources are essential for allowing healthcare professionals to stay connected with updated research ways and technological advancement. Eventually, it assists the professionals in refining their best practices that lead the patient to a higher quality of care. Besides, the constant exposure to new innovations and research engages the professionals in the process more which enhances their adherence towards research and innovation (Gates et al., 2022). Apart from this, contemporary evidence sources also boost the confidence of the professionals by making them feel secure reflecting better decision-making with adequate address of the needs of patients. 

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Identification of credible sources of contemporary evidence in healthcare

  • Scientific works of literature 
  • Peer-reviewed scientific literature 
  • Science Direct, PubMed, and Google Scholar 

SN: Peer-reviewed articles are one of the leading credible sources for contemporary evidence under healthcare practices. It assists scholars and implementors in identifying the potential effective ideas in the field that are crucial for pristine positive outcomes. Besides, peer-reviewed scientific types of literature are effective in getting a pool of data and information regarding the subject (Swire-Thompson and Lazer, 2020). Apart from this, Science Direct, PubMed, and Google Scholar are crucial to getting higher-quality academic journals and articles that are primarily utilised by healthcare professionals during healthcare practises. 

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  • Unbiased 
  • Factual information 
  • More reliable (.gov or, .edu, .mil)

SN: Credible sources are unbiased in nature allowing the researcher and the physician to get the best solution regarding their issue. Besides this, it is also effective in order to get a better rate of factual information which is necessary for developing a relevant data set (Correia, Luck, and Verner, 2022). On the other side, more reliable and factual data can be accessed from .gov or, .edu, or .mil websites which will reduce the tendency of picking misinformation. 

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Outline of the search strategy

  • Systematic approach 
  • Efficient and complete method  
  • Development of factual literature searches 

SN: Utilisation of the systematic approach is one of the leading and effective search strategies for the healthcare setting. It is beneficial to find and create a balance between the specificity and sensitivity of the research while translating the strategy even through challenges in the database (Gullick et al., 2019). A systematic approach is an effective search strategy and it includes a better rate of consistency in the overall process that also can develop an exhaustive search strategy in future. 

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Examples of search strategies

  • Systematic review
  • Text document 
  • Boolean operators 

SN: Systematic review is one of the leading search strategies that are used in this research work. Eventually that assists the scholar in describing enough detail about the study with proper research. Besides this, single-line search strategies such as text documents are one of the primary search strategies that shape the research in a better way (Mebratie et al., 2019). Apart from this, Boolean operators are another crucial example that allows the study to identify the relevant search terms. 

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Accessing contemporary evidence sources future healthcare practice

  • Better access to the care process
  • Integration of technology-based innovation 
  • Prioritising availability, acceptability and affordability 

SN: In order to ensure better access to contemporary evidence sources for future healthcare practices getting more access to the care process is effective. Besides, the integration of technology-based innovation is beneficial here, for the better shift in routine care (Ihnaini et al., 2021). Most importantly, for getting access to contemporary evidence sources giving better focus on the availability, acceptability and affordability is essential. 

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SN: After the analysis, it can be concluded that evidence-based practice is the primary part of leadership improvement in the healthcare sector. It has been highlighted from the study that credible sources are essential to get better outcomes from the research in the beginning. 

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Recommendation for the further improvement of the study

  • Efficient time management
  • Active organisational skills and conduct 
  • Developing the ability to network in a professional way

SN: Efficient time management will ensure the effectiveness of leadership practices which is necessary for the outcome in future (Khan et al., 2020). Besides, organisational skills are crucial to steer the workforce in the right way while developing a better ability to network in the right professional manner. 

Element 2: Report 

Executive Summary

A concise work will be done in form presentation format in order to portray further data regarding the subject topic. This study critically focuses on the experience-based practice under the healthcare setting. Besides, this research work will detach the importance of contemporary evidence in terms of critical leadership practices. The application and analysis of contemporary evidence sources under the leadership practices will accumulate in the study.


Evidence-based practice (EBP) has become the priority of many healthcare systems across the world. However, sourcing and using the best contemporary evidence is a major challenge faced by the leaders in this sector. This current report has focused on the influence of contemporary evidence sourcing and its impact on leadership practice. 

Evidence-based leadership

According to Platis et al. (2021), EBP is about the integration of scientifically proven effective techniques into clinical practice by healthcare professionals to enhance patient care. In relation to this aspect, evidence-based leadership is defined as the implementation of research findings or evidence in different leadership practices (Geerts, Goodall and Agius, 2020). Leaders involved in the EBP in healthcare prioritise the consideration of contemporary evidence in their decision-making, training, and care delivery practices (Dusin, Melanson, and Mische-Lawson, 2023). 

The role of contemporary evidence in influencing leadership practice in healthcare 

In order to implement EBP in healthcare, it is necessary to access as well as use effect and best suited evidence related to any particular disease or treatment process. In thos particular context, this evidence first influence the leaders of the healthcare systems in terms of identifying the most appropriate contemporary evidence (Crowell and Boynton, 2020). From this context, it has been known that contemporary evidence plays an important role in impacting overall leadership practice in healthcare. It has been found from previous relevant literature that, the decisions, skill development, treatment process and acre quality standards set by the healthcare leaders are influenced by such contemporary evidence (Lyons et al. 2020). Evidence allows the healthcare ladders to incorporate EBP in their healthcare settings (Kiwanuka et al. 2021). On the other hand, contemporary evidence also influence healthcare leaders to implement different quality improvement or continuous improvement initiatives in the healthcare practice based on the latest evidence. For example, significant contemporary evidence encourages a nurse leader to use such evidence in terms of further implementing a new staffing model (Shanafelt et al. 2021). In this way,  a unit’s overall operational efficiency can also be improved. It further indicates that there is a significant association between leadership and evidence in healthcare in related to EBP. 

Importance of healthcare leaders being informed and adapting strategies based on the latest evidence  

Leaders in the healthcare system need to be informed and updated about the latest evidence regarding any disease or intervention for better health and wellbeing of patients (Kitson et al. 2021). In this way, they can enhance decision making and patient outcomes in terms of treating patients (Mousa et al. 2021). In addition to that, based on the latest contemporary evidence, the healthcare leaders need to make and implement strategies to ensure quality improvement in their settings (Platis et al. 2021). Overall staff engagement in the healthcare can also be enhanced by the leaders of healthcare through implementing evidence based strategies (Dusin, Melanson and Mische-Lawson,, 2023). Due to this reason, the leaders in healthcare need to make their decisions based on well-researched and well-defined clinical questions (Jolley, 2020). In this particular context, effective clinical queries raised by leaders further ensure that healthcare practices are rooted in the latest as well as the most reliable evidence (Patterson et al. 2020). In addition to that, the healthcare leaders also need to adopt an aligned, consistent, as well as systematic approach on the basis of evidence-based interventions (Hofmeyer and Taylor, 2021). 

Taking all these aspects into consideration, a critical reflection is going to be presented on the basis of the contemporary evidence accessed and its influence on leadership practice. In this particular context, different aspects of sourcing contemporary evidence in healthcare practice are going to be reflected in relation to the previously submitted formative assignment. 

Main body

Accessing contemporary evidence sources 

Contemporary evidence is accessed through many platforms and data resources such as healthcare business review articles. In this form of resources, current evidence regarding the different types of leadership practices under the health care system can be found both in practical and theoretical order. Besides these different types of content analysis that are conducted on the clinical leadership idea will be found in these types of sources which are beneficial for the learners to develop better insights regarding the emerging leadership ideas in the following field (HernándezNeuta et al., 2019). Conceptual framework is another contemporary source of evidence regarding the clinical leadership practice and it is also synthesised with the research work in a better way. On the other side, it is effective for analysing the right ways and types of practices regarding leadership development. With the assistance of a conceptual framework, a study will be provided with access to different influencing practices that are present and leadership culture (Tracy, 2019). Apart from this current evidence from the patient and healthcare sectors and related demographics are also effective in accessing contemporary evidence practices which is beneficial to utilise data in the right way. In addition, it also enhances access to the National Centre for Educational Statistics which is important to get diverse data regarding the current condition of the healthcare industry. 

Accessing present evidence regarding the influence of potential leadership practices is achieved through the following ways. One of the primary methods that can be opted under this process is adhering to an evidence-based management system. Eventually, that will allow the scholar to identify the most effective method to utilise the right resources in education (Odendaal et al., 2020). Contemporary evidence can be also found under the learning toolkit and teaching method that majority of the time provide evidence-based practices. Additionally, it also assists the learner to stay informed about new and emerging trends under leadership with the presence of adequate amounts of theoretical studies and practical discussion or analysis which also offers better valuable insights. Furthermore, liberalising longitudinal statistics and data from particular reputable sources such as the National Centre for Educational Statistics (NCES) is also effective for accessing contemporary evidence-based sources. This activity is crucial in the healthcare setting for combining better information from various sources such as theoretical frameworks and research reports (Correia, Luck, and Verner, 2022). Empirical data is also another leading strategy to get better access to contemporary evidence. Besides, with the assistance of this method, leaders can get better access to a comprehensive pool of present evidence in order to enhance and inform existing leadership practices. 

On the other side, the changes that are becoming common under the learner demographics are also one of the primary sources to access contemporary evidence due to the presence of benevolent learning opportunities. One of the primary benefits of this method is it provides better access to current evidence that critically influences existing leadership practices with the utilisation of data related to the present healthcare practices from educational statistics. Besides evidence-based policy and its utilization under the work process can influence leadership strategy in a successful way (Neely and Ponshunmugam, 2019). Analysing the present trends related to leadership is one of the key methods to access contemporary evidence. Besides this, the following method is complex and includes diligence due to the presence of a critical review of the articles while comparing practical and theoretical trends that are practised in the healthcare setting at the current time. On the other hand, this method is also effective for conducting better quality content analysis which is efficient to bring insight regarding the emerging trend of clinical leadership concepts. In time getting access to contemporary evidence focusing on leadership and evidence regarding the tools for change management will be effective. Besides it also gives better access to the current evidence which has the potential to influence leadership practices with the utilisation of tools such as research literature and most importantly it also ensures the implementation of active evidence-based changes in the traditional process (Burcu et al., 2020). Leadership strategies and their influence towards clinical practices along with its guidelines need to be monitored in order to get better access towards the contemporary evidence base. 

Leadership strategies under this concept strategically influence the current practices under the clinical process from staff facilitating to the development of a positive milieu. In addition, it also has the ability to influence the overall organisation of structure and it can process research evidence based on the current condition and situation. Meta-synthesis is another leading process that focuses on leadership as the primary facilitator for better evidence implementation by nurses and managers (Baumfeld Andre et al., 2020). Getting better knowledge regarding the following method is effective in getting better ideas regarding contemporary practice and access to it due to the presence of effective facilitating evidence. Under the health care process, implementation of facilitating evidence is common and it assists the individual to get better access to contemporary evidence sources with better teamwork strategies which is necessary to perform better under the critical organisational structure. The idea of types of leadership is another crucial factor which influences application evidence while making the professional ready for the upcoming changes. Therefore, developing better ideas and collecting knowledge regarding the following method is fundamental to get better access to contemporary evidence sources. Besides this, getting better ideas regarding the practical situation such as analysing the attitude of individuals along with their self-efficacy and need for training is significant (Swire-Thompson and Lazer, 2020). Getting better information regarding the following factors is beneficial to get better access towards contemporary evidence. In addition, this action will allow the learner to understand the perception of individuals in the health care setting while analysing the needs and necessity for changes in the setting. 

Analysing and applying critical evidence in leadership practice 

Application and analysis of critical evidence under leadership practices is one of the present phenomena in the healthcare industry. It is mainly designed to assist and developing the impact of better leadership skills that also enhance inspiration and knowledge regarding the profession while discovering and testing new perspectives (White et al., 2019). Under the leadership practice in healthcare organisations, critical evidence is necessary for reflecting a better outcome from evidence-based healthcare in the upcoming days. Analysis of the critical events in the leadership practice is one of the primary opportunities in the health care setting which mainly aims for the improvement of people’s future and current health. Besides this process includes multi-disciplinary teams and with the analysis of leadership practices development of new skills is crucial among the individual (Barr and Dowding, 2022). On the other side, it is also effective for a better amount of economic benefit which is not only individual but also affects society in a positive manner. In addition, the application of critical evidence in leadership practice in the health care setting enhances the tendency of career development opportunities that inspire and lead others in a better way (Hoffmann, Bennett, and Del Mar, 2023). Healthcare activities include different types of challenges and risks there for implementation of an active leadership approach that has the potential to deal with all the following shortcomings is crucial. 

In addition, the application of critical evidence in leadership improves the existing structure of healthcare activities while inspiring the entire hierarchy differently. Apart from this critical evidence and its application in the leadership approach under the healthcare setting also assists healthcare organisations externally by developing diverse opportunities to get financial support (Heinen et al., 2019). Such as leadership activity has the potential to continuously drive to obtain better funding while ensuring job security. Besides, analysis of the critical evidence improves the present leadership strategy in the healthcare setting that maintains a better balance between different working teams along with dynamic activities such as clinical practice, teaching and management. Despite the pressure and risk under the health care activities the leader needs to be efficient under any kind of circumstances therefore, focusing on the evidence is effective. In addition, in the future, it also improves and demonstrates a better leadership strategy that has the potential to generate higher quality evidence that is necessary for clinical investigation in the upcoming days. The leader in the healthcare setting has the primary responsibility for the completion of any critical work from research projects to the entire management of the system (Rosenhead et al., 2019). Hence, it is necessary for the leader to analyse critical evidence to identify the best development opportunities that are crucial for future progression while maintaining an adequate amount of balance in the work structure. 

Better ambition is mainly developed by analysing critical leadership approaches that are common in the healthcare setting. Besides, it is effective for the leader to develop better characteristics that are crucial for working with a higher amount of responsibility under any difficult situation while not feeling anything unachievable. On the other side application of evidence offers leaders tantalising opportunities as an example of a higher amount of professional success (Campos and Reich, 2019). Besides it is also one of the leading considerable responsibilities that are crucial for managing success with potential defeats. Leadership is one of the primary social processes that allows individuals to stay on the right track and not be influenced by any kind of external forces under any critical situation. Therefore, the application of critical shreds of evidence based on the present shortcomings related to the health care setting is essential for the rectification of the entire work process which assists the leaders in considering their responsibility while making the ability to manage the workforce to deal with success while getting idea about the potential failures (Holly, Salmond, and Saimbert, 2021). The healthcare industry includes are complex environment therefore proper and efficient leadership is necessary under any challenges and navigating and acknowledging all the potential leadership actions will be effective under the following structure in order to deal with the complex and nonlinear environment. 

Analysing critical evidence under the leadership process is necessary for shaping the entire environment in the right way based on the individual situation. It is necessary for every healthcare organisation to apply critical pieces of evidence to get a justifiable outcome in future. Besides specific instructions are also effective to ensure the team members and the entire hierarchy in the right way and here the role of potential leadership and effectiveness of critical shreds of evidence based on the contemporary situation is pivotal for better advisory approaches (Mathieson, Grande, and Luker, 2019). In future, this initiative will allow an individual to become capable of maximising their potential and adapting to the current condition, and the role of leadership is primary. Apart from this, application of the critical pieces of evidence allows leaders to turn better vision, ideas and thoughts into reality which is necessary to lead the workforce with better guidance along with own senses, values and experiences. Analysing critical evidence is fundamental in order to connect with different people while staying sensitive towards each other (Roberson and Perry, 2022). Moreover, leadership requires better opportunities in the healthcare industry for developing better connections with external and internal entities in a strategic way. 

The Influence of contemporary evidence on leadership in healthcare

From the above discussions, it has become clear that contemporary evidence has a significant contribution to shaping leadership practices in the healthcare system (Geerts, Goodall and Agius, 2020). Successful incorporation of evidence into nursing or overall healthcare practice is significantly associated with collective leadership as well as organisational culture (Greenhalgh et al. 2019). In this particular context, a study by Hofmeyer, Taylor and Kennedy (2020) has shown that the availability of contemporary evidence allows as well as encourages leaders to develop an environment for starting EBP in a particular healthcare setting. Supporting this aspect, another study by Dusin, Melanson and Mische-Lawson (2023) has pointed out that leaders in the healthcare sector can use current evidence from recent clinical trials, research papers, systematic reviews or industry reports to make informed decisions. In this context, on the basis of the latest evidence, they can also develop effective treatment strategies for better health outcomes for the patients. On the other hand, this evidence further helps the leaders to develop a confidence that all the provided care services are based on latest or contemporary evidence. Therefore, there is less chance of errors in the overall care delivery or healthcare practices (Greenhalgh et al. 2019). From this point of view, it can be said that contemporary evidence has a significant as well as positive influence on evidence-based decision-making processes of leaders related to treatment protocols in the healthcare settings. 

Apart from that evidence also plays a crucial role in enhancing quality improvement in the healthcare sector. In this particular context, it has been found by Mousa et al. (2021) that by using contemporary evidence, the healthcare leaders undertake different types of quality improvement initiatives. In this way, the evidence-based healthcare leaders become able to enhance patient safety, digitalise care service system, increase efficiency in treatment process and thereby, improve overall health outcomes of the patients. In this way, evidence in the healthcare system creates a significant link with the quality improvement initiatives. In this way, the healthcare leaders as well as other healthcare professionals are encouraged to adopt the best practices. Similarly, it has also been noted that nurse leaders can also implement a resource prioritisation system for annual planning and budgetary/financial management (Jolley, 2020). For example, as per the management team of the “National health Service (NHS)”, the use of evidence is a key aspect of nursing excellence. Due to this reason, it is essential to enhance the use of evidence through collective leadership in terms of improving overall nursing practices. In this context, in EBP, accreditation can provide additional assurance to the board and the public as well in relation to the quality of care (NHS England, 2020).

Apart from that, healthcare settings use contemporary evidence related to any disease, intervention or treatment in developing different types of leadership development programs (Geerts, Goodall and Agius, 2020). From this type of evidence shared in such programs, the healthcare leaders become ale to enhance their skills and knowledge to solve different types of care related problems. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, as a part of EBP, leaders of many healthcare organisations started telemedicine and other digitalised services to increase the accessibility of emergency treatment (Hofmeyer and Taylor, 2021). In this scenario, the leaders of the healthcare sector became able to develop tier knowledge and skills about such treatment or overall healthcare interventions (Hofmeyer, Taylor and Kennedy, 2020). In this way, contemporary evidence has encouraged many healthcare organisations across the world in implementing EBP to prioritise quality personalised care services. For instance, the NHS has launched “The NIHR 70@70 research leadership programme” to build a research-led care environment in health and care organisations (NHS England, 2020). On the basis of this program and funds, the midwives and nurses across England have been tasked to enhance the research capability as well as capacity of the nursing and midwifery workforce. From this perspective, it can be said that contemporary evidence had also a significant contribution to overall leadership capability and improvement in healthcare. 

Previous many relevant studies have indicated that by applying various contemporary evidence, the leaders of healthcare settings have implemented patient-cantered care policies (Greenhalgh et al. 2019). For example, the NHS has first implemented its “person-cantered care” policy based on the latest contemporary evidence of different reports and studies. However, in the current time, “person-centred care” has become one of the integrated parts of the overall healthcare delivery process of this system (NHS UK, 2023). The NHS has considered the particular evidence that “person-centred care” practice provides better patient outcomes while reduces costs to health and care systems. In a similar manner, the consideration of evidence, these healthcare leaders can ensure that they are strictly maintaining ethical considerations throughout their care delivery system (Mousa et al. 2021). Taking all these aspects, it has been understood that leadership practice in healthcare is significantly influenced by the contemporary evidence. 

Reflecting my overall experience and understanding in the formative assignment, I can say that the leaders in the healthcare system encourage the entire team to adopt effective EBP. In this context, the leaders of healthcare make the decisions related to EBP based on the use of different types of evidence. As per my understand, the most effective and reliable sources of contemporary evidence in healthcare are research aryicles, government reports, industry reports and clinical trails. It has also become clear to me that the leaders themselves use these contemporary evidence sources to mpruve their overall healthcare quality. Apart from that, by using the evidence, they also motivate as well as enable their subordinates to implement EBP. In this way, contemporary evidence as well as EBP and evidence-based leadership significantly and positively contribute to the quality improvement in healthcare. 


At the end of the overall discussions in this report, a key conclusion can be drwan that contemporary evidence plays a crucial role in healthcare. Based on the overall critical reflection, I have come to know that quality improvement, “patient-centred care” and improved health outcomes of patient have a significant and positive association with healthcare related contemporary evidence. It has been found that the healthcare leaders and other healthcare practitioners can access a range of contemporary evidence sources such as research reports, industry reports, clinical trial reports, government reports and so on. Due to this reason, as per my understanding, it is essential to ensure easy access to such important source of healthcare-based contemporary evidence. However, a range of evidence is available related to any particular disease or treatment process. As for this particular reason, the healthcare leaders are recommended to critically appraise or analyse the evidence before using in their practices. In this context, they can consider systematic reviews or meta-analysis in terms of critically analysing and applying the evidence. In this way, the quality as well as credibility of the EBP can be enhanced. Moreover, critically reflecting the formative work, it has become clear that healthcare leadership practices are prominently influenced by contemporray evidence. In this context, it has been understood that the healthcare leaders can use such evidence in their decision making, implementing healthcare policies, improving care quality, developing leadership skills and enhancing “person-centred care” practices. Considering all these aspects, all the leaders in healthcare system can be recommended to search and use a range of contemporary evidence in their leadership practices to further improve care quality and treatment outcomes.